What are the elements of Art?

Art is another form of expression. We can express our thoughts and feelings through the art works we made. In art, we use lines, shapes, textures, values, forms and space to create a work of art. These are called art elements.

Line is made of series of points and sometimes known as "a moving point". It is also an extension of a point. Lines can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, straight, curved, thick or thin.

Shape is created when the ends of a line meet together. It is flat with two dimensions of length and width.

Texture is the feel of a surface through sight or through touching. It provides interest to artworks and excitement to the viewers.

Value is the lightness or darkness of color.

Form is just like shapes; it has length and width, but has depth.

Space is the area between, around, above, below, or within objects.

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