Role of Biomes in the Ecosystem

Aquatic biome is categorized into salt water biomes and freshwater biomes

Freshwater biome includes ponds, rivers, lakes and streams.

Saltwater biome is classified into coastal zone and open sea.

Coastal Zone
  • Estuary - saltwater mixes with freshwater
  • Coastal Wetlands - coastal lands that are covered with saltwater through out the year
  • Coastal Reef - found in coastal zones of warm tropical oceans. It is the breeding place for fishes and invertebrates
Role of Biomes in the Ecosystem
  • Organism adapt to their environment to fit the type of ecosystem they live in
  • Plants that grow in rivers and streams have more complex root system so that they will be able to hold out on the ground.
  • Fishes have longer and slimmer bodies to enable them to swim better in running water