Examples of Onomatopoeia

Onomatopoeia is a word representing a sound.

Here is the list of some examples of onomatopoeia:

Ahem. Could we have your attention please?
Don't beep that horn again.
The chains clanked as the prisoner moved about his cell.
Ding went the bell as it fell on the floor.
Eek! I saw a mouse.
The birds were fluttering their wings.
The water gushed out of the hole.
The owl hooted as it sat in the tree.
She loved to jangle her bracelets.
I heard a knock at the door.
The cows in the pasture mooed loudly.
Ouch! You steped on my toe.
Phew, that stinks.
The duck quacked at the bird.
Someone rings the bell.
The mud hit the way with a splat!
The clock goes ticktock
Ugh, that cough syrup tastes nasty.
The cars vroomed past us.
Yikes! I almost fell off my skateboard.
Zip up your pants.

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