Kinds of Maturity Which a Growing Person Acquires

Maturity is behavior that is appropriate to the age of the individual concerned or the behavior standards and expectations of adults. There are six kind of maturity which a growing person acquire.

Chronologically mature means a person is regarded as fully responsible for his acts when he/she reached that age.

Physical maturity means the full development of the body. Girls develop fully earlier than boys. Health status contributes to one's physical maturity.

Intellectual maturity is the mental quality which enables one to face problems calmly and intelligently and to make wise decisions.

Emotional maturity is the ability to control emotions of anger, hatred, envy and even that of love. A person is considered emotionally mature when he/she can face problems squarely and welcome changes.

Social maturity is getting along well with others. Relating well with others is closely linked with the other types of maturity. A secure person thinks of others more than himself/herself.

Philosophical maturity makes a person at peace with himself/herself, with others and with his/her work. This maturity helps a person have a full and satisfactory life.