Components of Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness is the individuals ability to do daily routine without being tired easily.

Here is the list of Fitness Components.

Flexibility - it is the ability of a person to do wide range of movement.
Agility - it is the ability of a person to change his position and direction with quickness of movements.
Strength - it refers to the amount of force a muscle can release.
Speed - it is the ability of a person to do successive movements in the shortest period of time.
Endurance - it is the ability of a person to sustain his movement at a given time.
Balance - it is the ability of a person to keep his body in equilibrium or steady condition.
Power - it is the ability of a person to release maximum force in the shortest period of time.
Coordination - it is the ability of a person to integrate his senses with his muscles to produce accurate and smooth body movements.
Reaction Time - it is the ability of a person to respond quickly.