Examples of Postural Deffects

Postural defects are the outcome of disorder in the human's body formation that causes poor posture, poor body mechanics, weak joints, and muscles. Postural defects can be classified as natural and acquired type. Natural disorder is present since birth. Acquired disorder is due to illness, improper activity, and injury from accident. Postural defects affect health of a person. But these defects can be corrected with the help of proper exercises and through surgery.

Some examples of postural defects:

Forward head - this is a defect where the head and neck are extended forward and are not aligned with the body.

Uneven shoulder - this is a defect where one shoulder is lower or elevated than the other.

Round shoulder - this is a defect where a shoulder blade move apart from the shoulder girdle when it moves forward.

Protruding abdomen - The stomach is extending out.

Know-knee - When the knees are together the feet separate

Bowleggedness - A defect where the knees are separated when feet are close to each other.

Flatfootedness - this is a defect where the arch of the foot is shallow and touches the ground.

Examples of postural defects on the spine:

Scoliosis - this defect is common wherein there is a lateral curvature of the spinal column. There are two kinds of Scoliosis which are C-curve and S-curve. C-curve is a single curvature in the spinal forms. S-curve is a double curvature in the entire spine form.

Kyphosis - this is an extreme curvature in the spinal column that results in a rounded upper back, shortened chest muscles, and shoulders leaning forward.

Lardosis - this is an extreme curvature of the spinal column in the lower back.

Kypholordosis - this is combination of kyphosis and lordosis where an extreme curvature of the upper and lumbar regions can be seen.